Friday, April 12, 2013

First note

Few weeks ago I watched TEDxStormont. Especially one of the speeches couldn't get out of my head. John-Paul Flintoff – Conversations That Change Life. I still can't stop thinking about it and not agree with his point. In our life we have loads of conversations with many different people. Some of them are special, close to us, some are strangers we probably won't meet ever again. Even the smallest talks can change our point of view, the way we see the world. Some of them are significant the moment they happen, some will become important months or even years later.

I started to think about my life-changing conversations. There were many I remember, that helped me understand world, my emotions, life... I think that we change everyday a little bit. And every conversation can make a difference.

Last night I listened to James Blake new album, 'Overgrown', playback on XFM. The whole idea is that he talked with the DJ, John Kennedy, about every single track. It was interesting not only because of the music, but also because James was talking about the whole process of creating and who/what inspired him. During his work on the album he also had some conversations that gave him new ideas, helped him, when he didn't know if what he's doing was right.

So. This crazy idea popped up in my mind – why not write a blog about conversations that are important to me? Conversations that help me understand world, that inspire me, that make me believe that life is colourful when I see all in black. I want to write about talks I had with my family and friends, random strangers and if I will be lucky enough, with people who I admire.
Sometimes it will be just one sentence, sometimes maybe a whole conversation. We will see how it works... Maybe this place will become something special not only for me, but for somebody else?

So far, thanks John-Paul Flintoff, John Kennedy and James Blake, because without you I would never decide to start this little blog.


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