Monday, April 22, 2013

February 2011

Today I want to write about my mum. She always supports me, I can count on her and I am really grateful that she lets me make my own mistakes, but also she's always there for me. There were many important things that she said to me, but one I remember well and that is a great example of many other conversations we had, is one that happened at the beginning of 2011.

I was going to London on my winter holidays. It was my fifth trip there, but first on my own. I was staying at friend's place, but knew that most of the time I would spend alone. I was surprised that my parents weren't really against that trip (except the 'why can't you go somewhere else. It's always London, aren't you bored?' talks). You can say it's nothing weird because I was 20 then, but I know many parents who don't allow their children, even that big, to travel alone.

When I came back I asked my mum: 'Why weren't you afraid of me? I was alone, in a big city, far away from here. I thought you would text or call me like 100 times a day. And nothing like this happened...'
Then my mum said: 'You know. I was so scared. Before you went to London I couldn't sleep at night, thinking if it's a good idea. But I didn't want to make you nervous about it. I decided I save those fears for myself because you're not a little girl anymore. And you'll be fine. I can't treat you like a child. I was scared, but knew you would be ok. If something was wrong, believe me, I would buy a ticket and fly to London as soon as possible, but after your messages on the first day I knew it was a good idea to support you and let you go on this trip.

My mum is the coolest mum in the world. Of course, sometimes I'm angry at her. But on the other hand I can't imagine her being more supporting and caring than she is right now.

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